The bike will accommodate most any rider comfortably. The seat height is easy to adjust. NOTED FLAWS I got this one just like you see it.
I LOVE original paint bikes! The paint looks respectable for a 55+ year old bike! HAPPY that it is still original paint!
The chrome is shiney but is not perfect show quality. Both wheels have a slight wobble when you spin them. (most every used bike out there seems to). This bike is SO cool and cant wait to be enjoyed once again! IF you EVER think you would enjoy a bike like this, DO NOT MISS OUT!
I love the middleweight series of Schwinn bikes of this era! (Jaguar, American, Panther, Skipper, Hollywood, Tiger, Speedster, etc).This appears to be a fairly nice original unmolested bicycle unless otherwise noted. A great bike to ride on relaxing days through the park or to the beach. Also would be a nice item to display in a shop, restaurant, rec room, sports bar, etc. Stand out from the crowd and be the envy of people who see you riding by. People will enjoy seeing you on your vintage bike!
A great classic bike at a great price Why not ride a bike? If you are looking for a fun bike to ride and enjoy this may be it! A nice bike to cruise the beach or your local park! Priced way less than a dime store bike that wont be around 5 years from now, much less 30+ years like this one! Please give this bike a good home and DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! Classic bikes are very cool because not everyone on the block has one! People love to see and talk about and ride these classic bikes! They are more popular now than ever before! This may be a great Birthday or other special holiday gift for someone! It is never too soon to think ahead and get someone something they may really like!!These are getting to be hard to find in any condition and to my knowledge, have not been reproduced. PLEASE NOTE that many of the bikes I list have listed have been in long term storage and have not been regularly ridden in a while. (not a bad thing) They may need standard tuning, greasing, may have old tires, surface rust etc. I try to be as honest as possible and never want to disappoint anyone. I try to be as honest as I can and disclose anything I know about the bike.
I want you to be excited about your new bike and hope you really enjoy your new vintage ride for years to come. We try to package well so the bike arrives to you in the same condition as it left us. Fed Ex just increased the rates. This is a 10+ day service and includes packing. I always try to keep things as reasonable as I can.